The Snitterfield Rifle Club
The Avon Snitterfield Snipes team is an established part of the Stratford & District Airgun league, shooting matches on a Thursday evening at various league venues on a home and away basis.
Our shooting is an Olympic style sport which is sociable, fun whilst still being competitive. We, as a team, try to create a supportive environment to encourage new shooters, in what is a safe and fully insured sport.
One of our aims is to develop a second team at Snitterfield to shoot and compete in the league and associated competitions.
Or pop round on a Thursday match night for a chat.
Our Bell Target league has been in existence for over 110 years now. The aims of the League are to foster good shooting, sportsmanship, to promote the sport of shooting generally and to encourage membership of the League.
For additional information see our web site (link below) and you can find us on facebook too.
Contact Snitterfield Rifle Club:
Anyone interested in joining us should contact either:
Nick (Team Captain)
07484 860 283
Richard (SAGL President)
07740 448 692